antiaging skincare

  • esthechoc

    Too Good To Be True? The Bar Of Chocolate That Keeps Wrinkles Away

    Some women feel guilty for eating chocolate. They need to make excuses for it. “I’ll just have the tiniest bit and later I’ll hit the gym.” “Yes, I’ll eat a slice of chocolate cake and then I’ll fast for a week.” “Screw it, it’s the holidays. I’m allowed to break my diet and eat like […]

  • Not Into Exfoliation Yet? Here Are 10 Reasons Why You Should Be

    If I had a penny for every time I raved about exfoliation, I’d be a billionarie. And I’m not done, yet. Because exfoliation is awesome. It’s one of the best things you can do for your skin, and if you ain’t doing it already, you need to jump on this bandwagon ASAP, my smart friend. […]

  • pmd-personal-microderm-01

    Are At-Home Microdermabrasion Gadgets Worth It?

    Whenever I get a new toy, be it a new smartphone or a board table, the first thing I do is read the manual. I don’t want to blow up anything by pressing the wrong button, you know? My sister’s the opposite. She throws the manual away and starts playing with her new toy straight […]

  • peter thomas roth retinol infusion pm night serum 02

    Which Strength Of Retinol Do You Really Need?

    I can’t imagine I will ever run a marathon (heck, just the thought is enough to give me nightmares), but if I did, I’d start small. Like, really small. I’d go for ever longer walks for a month before I even attempted a little run. And then, I’d increase the miles slowly, one by one. […]

  • nimue sun c spf40

    The Problem With Cosmeceuticals (And Why I Use Them Anyway)

    After raving about cosmeceuticals a few days ago, I thought I should probably get into more detail about what the heck they are. Because cosmeceuticals are freaking awesome. But they’re also freaking dangerous. This is the most powerful stuff you can buy without a prescription. Don’t say I haven’t warned you. What Are Cosmeceuticals? The […]