
  • treat acne scars

    Differin: Is It The Best Treatment For Acne (& Wrinkles)?

    Since Differin was demoted from prescription to OTC in the US last year, a lot of you have been asking me if it’s worth a try. Short answer: yes for acne. No for wrinkles. Long answer: read on… What Is Differin? Differin is the brand name. The active ingredient is adapalene, a new form of […]

  • acne mistakes

    5 Acne Mistakes You May Not Know You’re Making (And How To Fix Them)

    WTH? Why are you still there?! You’ve tried everything. You’re washing your face 10 times a day and scrubbing it like there’s no tomorrow, but your acne just. Won’t. Budge. Even popping those damn pimples won’t work. For every one you kill, two more spring up. It’s a curse! Being harsh on your skin isn’t […]

  • Meditate Your Way To Clear, Glowy Skin

    Ever wondered why pimples ALWAYS pop up before a special date or a work interview? Or why your acne won’t clear up no matter what you throw at it? Or your skin has gotten all dry and flaky while you were working nights and day to meet that work deadline even though you moisturised religiously? […]

  • how to treat post-inflammatory hyperpigemntation

    How Do You Fade Away The Dark Marks Left Behind By Pimples?

    Pimples love revenge. Dare give them the boot and they’ll leave a dark mark where they used to be. Ugh. It’s like you’re fixing a problem only to cause another. *sighs* FYI, this pimple revenge has a scientific name: post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (I know, it’s a mouthful!). It sounds like something horrible, doesn’t it? Good news, […]

  • difference purging breakouts

    Purging VS Breaking Out: How Can You Tell The Difference?

    Have you ever tried a new skincare product only to see a whole gang of pimples spring up on your face? Sometimes, that’s a good thing. Yes, really. It means the product is working its magic. Soon, you won’t have to deal with pimples again. Sometimes, that’s not a good thing. It means the product […]

  • skinceuticals ha intensifier

    Medical Grade Skincare VS Over-The-Counter Skincare: Which One Is Better?

    Is “medical-grade skincare” better than your regular, over-the-counter products you can buy at the drugstore? Social media thinks so. You can’t scroll through Instagram these days without coming across aestheticians singing the praises of (usually outrageously expensive) clinical products… and making you feel like you’re missing out if you can’t afford the splurge. This is […]