antiaging skincare

  • medik8 retinol 3RT+ intense

    Retinol VS Retinoid: What’s The Difference?

    What’s the difference between retinol and retinoid? Are they the same thing? Are they different? Should you use both or just the one? Argh! When did skincare get this complicated?! I’m here to make it simple for you. Here’s the difference between retinol and retinoid – and how to choose the best one for YOU: […]

  • skinceuticals 0.3 retinol refining night cream

    When To Splurge (And When To Save) On Your Skincare Products

    Is there really a difference between drugstore and luxury skincare products? Yep. High-end products usually give you a more luxurious experience. Everything from the bottle to the texture is designed to please the senses and turn your skincare routine into a pampering session. But in terms of effectiveness? Drugstore products often work just as well. […]

  • hydroquinone in skincare

    Hydroquinone: Is It Safe To Use To Fade Away Dark Spots?

    Isn’t it annoying when the most effective ingredients get a bad rep? Case in point: hydroquinone. It’s by far the best treatment for any type of dark spots. Slather it on them twice a day and it’s guaranteed to lighten them up. But, some countries (yes, South Africa and France, I’m looking at you) have […]

  • cerave moisturizing lotion

    Niacinamide: The Most Multi-Tasking Ingredient In Skincare?

    “And the award for Most Multitasking Skincare Ingredient goes to…” *drumroll* Niacinamide! *clap clap* Niacinamide deserves it. There’s literally nothing it can’t do. Need to hydrate skin? Check. Fight acne? Check. Fade dark spots? Check. Soothe redness? Check. Reduce wrinkles? Check. It doesn’t matter what you throw at it, niacinamide can handle it. If it’s […]

  • skinceuticals 0.3 retinol refining night cream

    When Should You Start Using Anti-Aging Products?

    You never think you need something unless it’s too late. Case in point: my crow’s feet. I didn’t think I needed to invest in any fancy anti-aging product until I saw those first fine lines creeping up around my eyes in my mid ’20s. I swear they came totally out of nowhere. I wouldn’t say […]

  • how antioxidants fight pollution

    How Pollution Damages Skin (And 2 Ways To Fight It)

    All my life, I couldn’t wait to escape from Senigallia. It’s a charming small town. The kind of place where you spend all your summers on its velvety beach and the rest of the year hanging out in one of the few pubs on its outskirts, gossiping about your friends and colleagues. There’s nothing else […]