how to pass the time at the hair salon

Do you visit hair salons regularly?

I haven’t been to one in more than a year now (gasp!). It’s not that I’m too lazy to go, I just haven’t found a salon I really like. Either the hair stylist’s skills didn’t impress me or the atmosphere at their salon was so standoffish. You know what I mean, right?

But the main reason is another: I get bored easily. Having your hair cut, dyed or whatever can take a couple of hours. Just the thought of being in there for so long is enough to make me feel really stressed…

That got me thinking… What could I do to make a trip to the salon the relaxing and pampering experience it should be? Here’s what I came up with and how I plan to pass the time at my next salon trip (yes, it’s all booked):

1. Read

I’ve always been an avid reader, but as I grow old I seem to have less and less time for books. These days I mostly read on weekends but somehow that doesn’t seem to be enough to reduce the huge pile of books on my desk… I’ve started taking a book with me every time I go to the doctor’s or when I travel, so why not bring one to the hair salon too? I know they have magazines, but I’m not interested in them. Give me a good book anytime and the time spent at the salon will fly by much quicker.

Related: Why I Don’t Read Women’s Magazines Anymore

2. Do crossword puzzles

If reading isn’t your thing, you can use the time at the salon to do your crossword puzzles. My sister and mum are huge fans of them, and I enjoy doing them too sometimes. They’re fun. Plus, you’ll have to use your vocabulary, spelling and reasoning abilities – all things that sharpen your mind and maybe make you learn something new too.

3. Sleep

If you’re feeling very tired or didn’t get much sleep the night before, just close your eyes and doze off. Personally speaking, I just can’t sleep outside of my bedroom and never nap on trains, planes, buses, no matter how tired I am. But if you can, this is the perfect opportunity to catch some zzzz. While I don’t recommend falling into a deep sleep (you may wanna check the hairdresser doesn’t forget all about you or that she’s not cutting your hair too short), dozing off with your eyes closed can be very relaxing and make you feel rested.

4. Gossip

Lots of people like chatting and gossiping with their hairdresser when they go to a salon. I change salon pretty often so I don’t really know the stylist so well to tell her my life story. I wish I were one of those people with the gift of the gab who can make conversation easily flow even with perfect strangers, but I ain’t . But if you’re extrovert or know your stylist quite well, chatting and catching up with her will make the time pass quickly and pleasantly.

What do you do when you’re at the hair salon to pass the time? Let me know in the comments. 🙂