Comments on: What To Do If You Have Fungal Acne: How To Tell, Treat It And Keep It From Coming Back Taking the guesswork out of skincare Thu, 04 Mar 2021 07:13:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gio Tue, 14 Jul 2020 09:17:15 +0000 In reply to Lilly.

Lilly, if the Neutrogena cleanser is too drying, definitely switch. But it’s impossible for me to recommend you a different cleanser without having more information. You didn’t even mention your skin type!

By: Oyin Sun, 28 Jun 2020 11:30:10 +0000 Hi Gio. Thank you for the article. I’m currently suffering from a case of fungal acne. After putting my current Skincare products through the ingredient list, I found that they all have irritants in them, especially Glycerin. I’m really struggling to find a good Moisturiser at the moment and was wondering if I can use Vaseline? Since you mentioned petroleum jelly is safe. But why I hesitate is because I’ve seen a few posts telling me to stay away from vaseline. What are your thoughts on this?

By: Lilly Thu, 18 Jun 2020 04:28:38 +0000 In reply to nor shahidah binti ramli.

Hi Ive been using the neutrogena oil free acne wash but notice it can be drying at times so I wanted to try the Cerave hydrating cleanser in the am and SA renewal cleanser at night is that a good option ? I’m also using dandruff shampoo in the morning before going in with a cleanser and I use a combination skin moisturizer.

By: Nur syakirah Thu, 18 Jun 2020 00:37:13 +0000 Did vaseline intensive care can kill fungal acne?btw thanks

By: Rachel Tue, 26 May 2020 10:54:09 +0000 The Avene extreme emulsion. I can only find this in Australia as the Creme not the emulsion. Will that be okay or does that have the dreaded fatty acids?

By: Nonto Fri, 01 May 2020 21:06:10 +0000 Hi I’m on South Africa and suffering from fungal acne. I cannot find safe vitamin c serums around. However there is a lot of Korean beauty websites here selling brands like cosrx, The ordinary, etc. Kindly advise on which Korean beauty vitamin c or similar product I can try for my hyperpigmentation. And I’m leaving in a hard water area which I feel also contributes to this acne, currently using the avene cleansing lotion which I then follow with their mineral water spray to avoid using the water, but I feel this isn’t thoroughly removing all my sunscreen. Kindly recommend alternative cleanser. Thanks in advance.
