how to prevent foundation from oxidising

Tell me if you can relate to this?

You’ve spent a small fortune over the years to find that elusive foundation shade that perfectly matches your skin tone. It was a bit more expensive than you usually like to spend on makeup, but you don’t care. This is IT.

You leave the store all excited about your new HG. Until a few hours later, when you accidentally catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror.

Your foundation has turned orange on you! How the heck did this happen?!

Why does foundation turn orange on your skin?

When foundation turns orange (or one or two shades darker than your skin tone), it means it has oxidized.

Oxy… what?

In plain English, the oils on your skin (i.e. sebum) interact with the pigments in your foundation, intensifying their colour – to the point you can end up looking like an Oompa Loompa!

You’ve probably guessed it: oily-skinned women (and men) are more prone to experience the dreaded orange change in foundation.

Makes sense: your skin produces more oil than normal, so the chances of something going wrong are higher.

But everyone can experience this. Don’t think you’re immune just because your skin is on the drier side.

Related: How To Take Care Of Oily Skin

How Do You prevent foundation from turning orange on your skin?

First things first: there’s no one way of knowing if a foundation will oxidise on you until you try it.

Always ask for a sample first. If the brand doesn’t have any, you can always test the foundation in store and go for a walk, eat dinner, whatever. If, after a couple of hours, your foundation hasn’t changed colour, go back to the store and buy it.

But what if the foundation has oxidised?

If you really dig the formula, you can redo the test again with a lighter shade. Chances are that, once it has oxidised, it’ll be a better match for your skin tone.

Applying a makeup primer underneath foundation can also help. A primer creates a physical barrier on the skin, preventing your natural oils to interact with its pigments.

Sadly, this method doesn’t work for everyone, but it’s worth a try. Again, ask for a sample so you can experiment at home before splurging on the full size.

Related: Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion Review

foundation oxidises

What Are The Best Primers To Prevent Foundation From Turning Orange?

Has foundation ever oxidised on you and how did you deal with it? Share your thoughts in the comments below.