I was a huge Girls Aloud fan back in the day (Nadine was my fave).
My music taste is a little more grown up these days, but I still listen to them when I work out. Their uptempo tracks are just the thing to power me through that last set of squats.
As I was sweating it out the other day, I remembered the advice Kimberley Walsh would give whenever she was asked her beauty secrets:
“I put on lots and lots of moisturiser. When I wake up in the morning, my skin is super soft and smooth.”
*shakes head*
No, no, no, Kimba! Putting on lots and lots of moisturiser doesn’t make it work better. You’re just throwing money away.
There’s only so much moisturiser your skin can absorb. The rest stays on its surface and does nothing. Well, ok, it may make your skin a little softer, but you’re not getting the most out of it.
So, how much moisturiser should you use? And how much serum or cleanser for that matter? I’ve got all the answers below:
Cleanser: A Dime
A dime. Anything more will dry out your skin.
You know that squeaky feeling you sometimes get after cleansing? It’s not a sign the cleanser’s working. It’s a sign the cleanser has stripped your skin bare of all its natural oils. That leaves it all dry and flaky. Ouch!
Related: How To Choose The Right Cleanser For Your Skin Type
Don’t know how to mix and match skincare products and ingredients without compromising their effectiveness? Download your FREE “How To Combine Actives Like A Pro” to find out:

Toner: A Few Drops
I don’t think you need a toner. I haven’t used one in ages and my skin isn’t missing it one bit.
Your skin may be different and need the extra hydrating boost a toner provides. In that case, use a few drops. No point in using more.
Related: Is Toner Really Necessary?

Serum: A Pea
A pea.
Serums contain a higher concentration of actives than toners or moisturisers so you DON’T want to go overboard with them. In the best case scenario, you’re wasting all of those goodies. In the worst case scenario, they’ll irritate your skin.
Related: Why You Should Add A Serum To Your Skincare Routine
Moisturiser: A Quarter
A quarter.
You can cheat here a little bit. If your skin is feeling dry or it’s a very windy, cold day, then you can slather on a bit more.
But don’t overdo it! Your skin will absorb what it can and let the excess sit comfortably on its surface. If your skin is on the dry side, you may just be wasting product away. But if it’s oily, that’s a sure recipe for pimples. (Got it, Kimba?)
Related: Day VS Night Moisturizer: Is There A Difference?

Eye Cream: A Pea
You don’t need an eye cream either. Most of the time, they’re facial moisturisers packaged in smaller jars. They’ll just charge you twice as much for them.
But if you’ve found one you can’t live without, use a pea-sized amount. The area is small and using more moisturiser than you need won’t do it any good. It may even give you milia seeds (those are a pain to remove!).
Related: Do You Really Need Eye Cream?
Sunscreen: 1/4 Of A Teaspoon
This is where getting it right really matters. If you’re using less than the recommended amount, you will leave your skin defenceless against sun damage.
Applying half the recommended amount, for example, drastically reduces sun protection!
So, what’s the recommended amount? 1/4 of a teaspoon for your face alone, a glass shot for your entire body.
If that leaves your skin greasy or white, change the sunscreen. Don’t apply less!
Related: How Much Sunscreen Should You Apply?
The Bottom Line
When it comes to applying your skincare products, more is not necessarily better. Go overboard and you may end up with dry patches, pimples and irritations.
I quite frankly disagree you with you on the toner and the eye cream. Well, let’s say I think many American toners suck… but Asian ones are a different story. Many Korean and Japanese toners AKA skins are full of humectants and anti-oxidants that will aid in the absorption and effectiveness of products you are layering on top of them. Many facial moisturizers aren’t tested for or meant for the eye area which is why many products will state on the jar “avoid the eye area.” Eye creams are tested on the eye area and are often a thicker more occlusive product which is ideal for staving off crows feet and wrinkles around the eye. The skin around your eyes is a lot different than the rest of your face and has different needs. The pores are 10 times smaller on this area of your face this different needs.
Adam, I agree that different areas of the face have different needs. But there aren’t special ingredients just for the eye area. If you take a look at the ingredient list of your fave eye creams, it has the same ingredients as your facial moisturisers and creams. My philosophy is to ignore what the label says (i.e., eye cream/facial moisturizer/toner) and instead figure out what your skin needs and find products that deliver it.